Had the most beautiful weekend away down South.

The drive in itself was spectacular, though driving to the B and B late at night took an hour instead of 20 minutes as there were wombats and kangaroos, (I need to add at this point the person in the passenger seat was being quite rude about my speed, or lack there of, and did not believe there would be any wild life around, seconds later we had to avoid a mad kangaroo, I just LOVE being right). The second night I spent some time dodging wombats both dead and alive and a very large white bird that tried to take on the car, really very stressful.

We spent the weekend walking along tracks, sitting by open fires and driving for hours. Oh and battling the noise my car was making, it had been making this sounds for a week or 10 and I thought it would eventually go away, so when in the middle of nowhere a shrill alarm sounded and the oil light came on I had a slight moment of guilt and panic (not helped by the person in the passenger seat making a HUGE deal out of the fact I had not had this noise checked earlier). Turns out I had run out of oil, completely, totally and utterly. Thankfully it was easily solved, well maybe not easily but it was solved and the noise disappeared.

Dinner on Saturday night was spent
here. Nothing like an open fire on a cold night and it was COLD!!!

Ah yes and I helped the lovely farmer/host herd his cattle up. The cowboy dude thought I was a complete moron but the feeling was mutual so I guess that makes it ok.

This is where we stayed. The hosts were two of the loveliest people I have come across and made us feel so very welcome. The tea was real, the shower to die for, electric blankets, great breakfast, just perfect, it's not often you have cows, llama's and kangaroos in your backyard.

This is the waterfall from the second day, long walk but worth it for the view.