Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bush Walking

Went for a nearly four hour bushwalk thorough the Royal National Park, my initial comment that this looked like a very 'snakey' area was met with laughter, I would have thought that certain people had learnt a lesson after the 'kangaroo and wonbat incident' but clearly not!

The views were spectacular and the walk not too arduous.

We had our lunch here, sandwiches never taste as good as out in the fresh air when you feel like the last people on earth.

On the walk back I fell over myself when I saw this on the path ahead of me. I remained calm (debatable, but at least I didn't scream). A snake. Albeit a very (very) small snake but a snake nonetheless. I was told it was NOT a snake it was a worm. Oh FFS!!!!!

A close up.

Worms don't rear up.

Took a very large cup of tea and pice of banana cake to calm me down.

1 comment:

wenda said...

That's the very deadly south coast worm snake - lucky it didn't get you.