Monday, July 6, 2009


I wonder if people come to Australia take one look at our Pavlova's collapse in laughter at such an awful dessert and then take photo's to show their friends of the awful desserts we have here.

In that vain.... these are all desserts, I have been told don't knock them till you try them but I just couldn't do it. Just couldn't.

Red beans are not my favourite to begin with making them into a dessert, my worst nightmare. I think I will stick to Pavlova.

1 comment:

Becky Smith said...

Yikes. I can't say your desserts do a whole lot for me. On the bright side, I would probably lose a lot of weight on that sort of "dessert diet" because I wouldn't eat any.

Now those doughnuts you blogged about earlier? I'd be ALL OVER those things.

Glad you enjoyed the Snowy and Carrot story.