Firstly I cannot believe you are in Rome, secondly I cannot believe between you and Tully you had to pay 230 pounds in excess luggage - though I believe if you had done a small amount of research this would have been obvious.
Charlotte has developed an acute sense of stranger danger. It started last week when on a visit to the library some man had the great misfortune of asking C how old she was. I was made to report him to the manager of the library, I was forced to do this 'just in case'. All I could think of was I am sure this poor man is probably perfectly innocent but what if....... so I reported him.
Then C was asked a question by one of our neighbors, she has now written out a sign with this lady's license plate and her description, with the words 'BEWARE this lady may be a spy'. Now I have to make sure that she doesn't put it up anywhere.
Leaving you with a photo of Natalie.
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