Well this is how he was introduced to me by his mother and considering he looked slightly vagabondish and was driving around in this ute I thought it apt.
I ended up having the most wonderful conversation covering so many topics my head was spinning, he was the sort of person you could stay up all night with talking about every subject imaginable. For a vagabond he was a very knowledgeable and interesting person. He travels around Australia in this ute going from pub to pub in the outback doing a comedy routine.
The ute is powered by used peanut oil that he gets from fish and chip shops that he encounters on his journey's. Well into our conversation I asked how old he was (thinking that he would be around 26 or 27) I nearly fell off my chair when he said 38 and then nearly fell off again when his mother piped in and said he has no mortgage and no children of course he looks that young.
He then (at the request of his mother - what a women) proceded to make balloons for all the kids, within seconds he had sussed out their personalities and C was soon in possession of a balloon sword.
His mother (really she is the mother of the year - much better than me) said he had recently been refered to as a most unlikeable character which was very, very funny as you can just imagine what sort of person would not see past the beard and the lifestyle as see him as that.
I am now just barely speaking to you after THAT photo on facebook - lebanese or not you will pay for that.
Plan to be back by September big event coming up.
Love Your Mother
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