We hung your stocking last night, we know your not going to be here but it was weird without it.
Thank you for not sending me any text last night. I actually think all these text are to make me feel like you are still here and waking me up each night as you stumble home and try to find the spare key.
I have had to move the spare key, too many of your friends now know where it is and (Travis?? I suspect) used it to go to the toilet AGAIN!!! Problem was this time he didn't put it back and left it in the door!!!
We found this on the way home on a random stop (one of many).
Stay warm and please stay away from anything more dangerous than Harley.
Love Mum xxxxx
PS Photo's of trip you requested now on other blog let me know if you can't remember address.
It wasnt me who left the key in the door it was prob mulligan! remember im not stupid like some people.
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