Only in our family could we have a ceremony to bury the ashes of your Grandfather and have such arguments over whether to scatter or to bury (bury) and then where to bury them, who was going to dig the hole (you) and then the very moment when the ashes are poured into the hole nobody realised I was upstairs getting Charlotte a band-aid. SO I missed it.
Only in our family would one sister insist that we wear tea-towels over our faces so that nobody swallowed any ashes.
Only in our family would the neighbour be trying to peer over the fence to see what illegal activities we were up to (none) while asking if we had received her letter of complaint over the trees on our property.
Only in our family would one of the sisters still be traumatised from the scattering of your Grandmother's ashes, as she had left her mouth open in shock and swallowed a mouthful of ashes that were being flung into the air by your Grandfather who had not liked our lovely idea of gently scattering the ashes under each plant and digging them into the earth.
He would have been SO cross that you dug up his garden to bury his ashes but loved the idea that you looked like a tea-towel terrorist as you did it.
Love Mum xxxx
hahahahaha..........which sister???? I wondered where you got to.
I just clicked over from Dad Gone Mad and, as per his directions, am leaving you a comment (here in Canada, we do have eggnog, so...).
Steph, if you read this, when I left home for A Very Long Time, my mother boxed up everything I had left in my room.
Unfortunately, I came home after only a week.... She hadn't told me about packing my things away.
...I mean, Stef (sorry for the misspell!)
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